- comments:
comments can be ignored
by the system and they improve readability
of the program.
comments are denoted by /*.........*/
- Header Files:
Files may contain
macros, functions etc... and these functions,
macros are substituted in the program by pre processor (#).
macros are substituted in the program by pre processor (#).
we should include header
files in program because to access the functions present in it.
- main()
Every C program must contain
- clrscr()
clrscr() clears screen
data and it is defined in conio.h file.
- printf()
It is output function
which display values on the monitor and
it is defined in stdio.h file.
it is defined in stdio.h file.
- getch()
getch() reads a character from the keyword and it is defined in
conio.h file.
conio.h file.
You can also refer
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